jueves, octubre 27, 2005

May be it is time to let you know
I do not want to cry anymore
The dark light is up again
No one here to take my hand

You were my baby
You are my sunshine
And you always will be
Everything I love

No reason to keep you here
I have no power to make you stay
Strangles is the indicate word
To describe what I have from you now

You were my little one
You are the love of my life
And you always will be
The owner of my heart

Irresistible is to me think of you
When I have to sleep or be aware
The only think I truly want to
Is to be with you there

I do not want to let you go,

maybe tomorrow...


Blogger 3L_b4g0 said...

bien dicho lo dicho...

Saludos desde la locura

11:49 p.m.  
Blogger Solo en la Oscuridad said...

Desde la primera vez que visite tu blog siempre lo he dicho...me gusta como escribes....cool

2:09 p.m.  
Blogger 3L_b4g0 said...

Me parece que el mañana ya es HOY, no??

Creo que estoy por terminar de leerte toda(eso se puede mal interpretar...¬¬... en fin)


Saludos desde la locura

8:03 a.m.  

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